Great Adventures Start with Popcorn!
Every Scout should learn the value of hard work and earning their own way. The council is excited to announce a partnership with CAMP MASTERS Gourmet Popcorn as our vendor for the 2024 popcorn sale. The popcorn sale is the perfect opportunity to teach this valuable life lesson and fund the most exciting year of Scouting ever. The council does all the pre-work to set up the sale, eliminating the need for units to research opportunities, calculating returns, creating sales and promotional materials, managing a relationship with a vendor, etc. The popcorn sale is not just about selling popcorn...It’s also about promoting Scouting!
Hundreds of thousands of dollars go back to the Scouting program in the Indian Nations Council due to the annual popcorn sale. Funds collected during the sale support local Scouting and are a way for a Scout to support his or her way for the various activities during the year. There are three options to sell popcorn: Take Order sales, sell Online to friends and family out of town, and Show & Sell.
Why Sell?
Increase your unit and council's income - stays in the local area!
Meet annual fundraising goals faster than ever before.
Scouts pay for their way for various programs (e.g., summer camp, dues, uniforms).
Scouts learn life lessons by earning their own way.
Loads of incentives motivate Scouts to sell.
Videos and resources help Scouts learn how to be successful.
People in your communities can't wait for popcorn season! Many of your customers come back year after year to try new products, reconnect with their favorites, and purchase gifts of popcorn for their friends, family and co-workers. We've put together a ton of information to help you run a successful Popcorn campaign. Important dates for the 2024 are coming soon as well as the 2024 Leader's Guide. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Key Contacts
Brenda DeShurley
Email: popcorn@okscouts.org
Direct: (918) 392-1219