Honoring the 2019 Darton Zink Class of Eagle Scouts
The Indian Nations Council recognizes the best of the Council’s youth and the best of its adult leaders at its annual Eagle Scout and Silver Beaver Award Recognition Banquet each spring. This combined gala event celebrates the success of our Council’s youth in achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, Scouting’s highest youth award, together with recognizing those adult leaders receiving the Silver Beaver Award for their noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth. Each Eagle Scout class is named in honor of an individual who has distinguished themselves through their leadership, commitment and service to the Indian Nations Council and the Boy Scouts of America.
Each 2019 Eagle Scout attending the banquet is presented with a medallion commemorating their accomplishment, together with a unique, limited edition, council shoulder patch presented by Tulsa 26 Scouts, Inc. All 2019 Eagle Scouts who reserve your spot to attend the Eagle Scout and Silver Beaver Council Recognition Banquet will receive this collectors patch. Designer and Artwork by Bill Shaffer, Scoutmaster Troop 26.
2019 Silver Beaver Award Recipients
Robert Capehart, Eagle District, Troop 1
Antonio “Tony” Curtis Hansen, Twin Arrows, Troop 10
David Herdman, Sequoyah District, Troop 18
Kenneth Kaminski, Twin Arrows District, Unit Commissioner
Donald Lasley, Neosho District, District Chairman
Eric Macomber, Twin Arrows District, Troop 935
Randall Marrs, Twin Arrows District, Troop 646
Marty Williams, Executive Board, Vice President of Membership
Emerald | $1500
Receives 8 Banquet Reservations
Full Page Program Book
Gold | $800
Receives 6 Banquet Reservations
Half Page Program Book Listing
Silver | $350
Receives 3 Banquet Reservations
Quarter Page Program Book Listing
Bronze | $150
Receives 2 Banquet Reservations
Individual | $40
Receives 1 Banquet Reservation
Scouting Alumni Eagle Scout Sponsor | $550
Sponsors 8 2020 Eagle scout Reservations
Quarter Page Program Book Listing